She led. So can you.

We envision safe communities for all

We believe all communities deserve true safety — dignity, prosperity, and deep democracy. These are the building blocks of our new vision of safety.

Community safety comes from a material shift in resources — out of the prison industrial complex and into community-led solutions — emphasizing the communities most impacted by decades of racist policy schemes, from “tough on crime” policing to redlining and gentrification.

Today we honor Ella Baker’s legacy by building grassroots power to win transformational change.


Each day, Ella Baker Center organizers, advocates, and members work in Oakland, across California, and beyond to close the gap between the world we have and the world we deserve. Join us.

Celebrating 25 years

For 25 years, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (EBC) has advanced racial, economic, and gender justice to ensure dignity and opportunity for low-income people and people of color. Based in Oakland, California, we fight to shift resources out of policing and prisons and into community-led initiatives that make neighborhoods and families safe, healthy, and strong.

Voices from the Front Lines

Extraordinary movements grow from the grassroots. Innovation is fueled by lived experience. The Ella Baker Center reinforces the efforts of the courageous grassroots leaders who are tackling the systemic problems in their communities and creating safety and belonging for all. Their stories are paradigms of power.

Our Strategic Framework

The Ella Baker Center’s 2021-2024 Strategic Framework represents our bold vision for claiming power to advance our most ambitious programs. Our strategic priorities turn the keys to the world we long for – a world where communities are strong with healing and opportunity, where no one is held back by the status quo, where justice is vibrant and alive in our families and neighborhoods, and where we are all more free because another is free. A safer world is possible – and we will reach it together.


Together, we’re fueling the next stage in the Ella Baker Center’s growth.

$2,675,468 of $3,500,000

Over 24,000 unique contributions so far

58% Increase in

Staffing Capacity

179% Increase in

Program Investments


We fight most powerfully when we work together.